Star trek space battles
Star trek space battles

star trek space battles

I don't hencemore bother with torpedos though occasionally fired off the odd tri-cobalt mine to do some fairly extensive wrecking and I almost invariably set weapon power to maximum since getting through the missions is just about whooping npc's as quick as you can. phaser, disrupter, polaron tetryon & anti proton to equip for different battles. but I don't have enough inventory slots for one example of each eg. I haven't figured out what deals the most damage against voth, borg, etc. Saw a youtube flick that says weapons with a DMG or CRITD modifier will deal the most damage but he was talking about once you have advanced into the game and have access to some of the better gear & I haven't got that far yet but I thought a weapon that hits something does more damage than a weapon that misses so I threw a couple with ACC mods in as well. I sort of thought that weapon you can fire deals more damage than a weapon that sits idle for half the battle with a 45 second cooldown so I put 8 lvl XII plasma turrets on my cruiser and it worked to some extent against npc's but that only helps when playing missions.

Star trek space battles